When asked about “We Good” Chance McKinney called it “downright infectious.” He said, “We drop the first note at a live show and it’s game on! By the second chorus, people are singing along when they’ve never heard the song. I get a lot of people sending me hate mail over this song – they’re mad they can’t get it out of their head for the next couple days. Ha! Now that’s the kind of hate mail I love getting. “We Good” is such a left-hand turn from the rest of I, it’s been good for me. It’s good for people to know that side of me as well.” Check out the video below to hear more about the song directly from McKinney himself. You can listen to the song below & let us know what you think!

I’ve Loved it from the first time I heard it at at a Live show.
Now every time someone says
“ WE GOOD “ Everyone at work who’s heard the song looks at me and then we break in to “ WE GOOD “ or into Ah ah ah ah ah – Oh oh oh oh oh 😜
It breaks up the Monotony of a Crazy work day.
The best voicein Industrial Country !!!
FUN SONG!!! Can’t help singin along!